A Hong Kong-based and UK-based cybersecurity company.

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Serving the Community Since 2010

VXRL Team is founded by group of enthusiastic security researchers, the team speaks and holds workshops / villages in different global security conferences Defcon in USA and Beijing, Hack in the Box in Amsterdam, Hack in Taiwan conference, DFRWS EU, SANS DFIR etc.
Our team provides security services, e.g. penetration testing, red team testing, vulnerability assessment, incident response, training etc..
The team also contributes to the community by providing awareness seminars to schools, NGOs etc...

VXCON 2016

Security Research

Security research is vital to staying ahead of the fast-changing cybersecurity threats. Deconstructing software, malware, smartphones, and IoT devices is second nature to our research-oriented team. Because we know that wearing a hacker's hat is the best way to understand an attacker.

Collaboration is the key to approach the multinational information security problem. That is why VXRL worked with international research groups in cutting-edge research on malware, cyberattacks, and vulnerabilities.


VXRL offers a wide range of cybersecurity services to serve the needs of different industries. Our services draw on our expertise in these areas:

  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Penetraton Testing
  • Red Team Testing
  • Incident Response
  • Application Security & Secure Coding Training
  • Corporate Training
  • Consultancy Services


VXCON is a regional cybersecurity conference in Hong Kong. Speakers and researchers from all over the world come to share the latest development in malware, threat, exploitation, and cyber defense. Many speakers are also frequent contributors of Blackhat, DEF CON, HITCON and other global hacker and security conferences.


Core Team

  • Dr. Anthony Lai
    Founder, Chairperson
  • Alan Ho
    Co-Founder, Head of Engineering
  • Dr. Zetta Ke
    Co-Founder, Head of Research
  • Stephen Chan
    Sales Director
  • Byron Wai
    Senior Researcher
    AWS Solution Architect - Associate | CISSP
  • Jackson Ip

Researchers and Advisors

  • Ken Wong
    Senior Researcher
  • Dragon
    Cyber Security Researcher
  • Clarence Chio
    Advisor - AI and Machine Learning
  • straightblast
    Pwnable Researcher
  • Pilot Owl
    Cybersecurity Researcher
  • Tim Chan
    Communication and Hardware Engineer

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